Isle Access

Isle of Wight Accessibility Events

Quiz Night – POSTPONED

Our quiz night at The Woodman’s Arms has, unfortunately, been postponed because of the current health situation. We hope to have another date for you shortly

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Group of people smiling inside an accessible bike

A Great Disabled Access Day!

Saturday March 16th was Disabled Access Day and the Island held celebrations to mark the day for the first time. Despite the wind and rain there were some very successful events. Hovertravel held a Try Before You Fly event at both their terminals in Ryde and Southsea. People were impressed with the service and the

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Isle Access stand at a festival

Chale Show

Isle Access have been at Chale Show all weekend. I hope you managed to find us. We will be attending the Garlic Festival as well so if you missed our new Gazebo you can catch us there.

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Isle of Wight

Fundraising event donations

Our plus size clothing event is fast approaching, now less that 2 weeks away (28th July) and our fundraising team are very busy with the preparations. If you have anything to donate can we have it as soon as you are able please. We will also be serving teas and cakes so if anyone is

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