Isle Access

Frances Ryan – Transforming Transport

“Disabled people are still being treated as second class on public transport” – The title of Frances Ryan’s recent article for the Guardian.

Frances Ryan’s article explains in depth how public transport is a valuable lifeline for many disabled people and that bad cuts and poor planning are preventing them from using the services.

In the article, Ryan reports on shocking incidences such as drivers not allowing passengers to board after seeing that they may require some additional help and that a lot of journeys must be booked ahead by calling tickets offices.

…in rush hour, she’s been left on the train in York when staff “forgot her”, with the same thing happening twice in one week at King’s Cross. “If it hadn’t been for the fact I have a loud voice I’d have been on my way to the next station.” she says.” – Mo Onyett, a student adviser at the University of York

Read Frances Ryan’s article in full on The Guardian’s website by clicking here.

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